By thee the souls of men are fed
Golden Sheaves, Text: W Chatterton Dix, Music: Arthur Sullivan
With gifts of grace supernal;
Thou who dost give us daily bread,
Give us the bread eternal.
Thanks for everybody who made today such a great feast! We managed to feed 50 people for lunch and collected a huge amount of gifts for Leicester City of Sanctuary.
A huge thanks to Lizzie, Lorraine, Wendy, Elham, Gill, Jessika, Joyce, Zakia, Anna, Tim, Neil, Esther, Lilian, Mick, Peter, Ben, Will, Jack, Margaret the early swimmer (the most amazing cake maker!), Lucy (star amongst the flower arrangers), Baden, our classy Serving Team and all of those who came and all those who gave a hand without further ado (and please do forgive me for forgetting to mention someone by name).