If you like music there are several ways of getting involved, please have a conversation with John Gull, our Director of Music.
- Come and sing with our large Project Choirs (all welcome, see pictures below)
- Vocal ensemble singing (some sightreading required)
- Solo vocal performance with professional pianist/organist (audition required)
- Solo instrumental performance with professional pianist/organist (audition required)
- Instrumental ensemble performance (speak to Director of Music)

Choir Projects
There are several choir projects planned for 2024 and 2025, both for larger groups and smaller ensembles. Please contact John if you would like to be involved.

Around the Piano
Fr Stephen organises monthly mini-concerts ‘Around the Piano.’ These last about 20 minutes – and usually involve more than one person. That makes it easier, as you do not need to fill 20 minutes on your own! Do you play an instrument or do you sing? Want to perform? Have a word with him!