Services happen in St Andrew’s every day and everybody is welcome to join us. Most days people stay behind for a hot drink and a biscuit. Fr Johannes is usually in the office on Monday mornings between 9am and 12pm.
All priests are available for confessions either after the daily Mass or by appointment.
There is sufficient car parking space for people coming to services outside the church.

Sunday Masses
Parish Mass Sunday 10.30am
This is our main act of worship during the week and everybody is welcome to join us. We try our best to worship God ‘in the beauty of Holiness.’

Weekday Rosary Wednesday 12.30pm, followed by Mass at 12.45pm
This is a short Eucharist preceded by praying the Rosary.
Malayalam Rosary, 3rd Saturday 8.30pm
The Kerala community within the congregation meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8.30pm to say the Rosary and spend some time together.

Daily Mass
Apart from Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday the Mass is usually celebrated at 8am in the morning: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. (Wednesday 12.30pm, Saturday 8.30am, Sunday 10.30am).
Compline & Benediction, 1st Sunday of the Month, 7pm
This is a very quiet sung service for 40 minutes currently happening once a month. We sing the Office of Compline in front of the Blessed Sacrament, keep 10 minutes of silence in the middle of the service and after God’s Blessing usually have a drink afterwards. It’s rather wonderful!