I am trying to write more regularly as so much is happening at the moment, and that means (as last week) that I won’t repeat everything in my previous newsletter and all of this remains relevant.
- The change of time of the Saturday Mass to 9am
- Cleaning on Saturday 4th March
- Bishop Peter joining us on Sunday 5th March at 10.30am
- Compline & Benediction on Sunday 5th March
- the little Lent sermon series about Liturgy
- Archbishop Rowan Williams giving his lecture on Friday, 31 March at 6pm. Booking is essential – please click here!
- The White Elephant Table (this is rather amazing!)
- The Easter Project Choir (talk to me if you are interested!)
- Bishop Saju’s visit on 2nd April at 7pm
- The May Festival on 15th May
- The National Pilgrimage on 29th May
- Baptisms, Confirmations and Receptions on 9th July
- and the need for help with the building costs
For details see here.
Further things:
Compline & Benediction, Sunday 7pm
On Sunday (4th March) is again the 1st Sunday of the month and we meet for Compline & Benediction at 7pm in the evening. This is a quiet and contemplative service which works particularly beautifully in the dark – this is probably the last month when all of it happens when it is dark outside. Come and see!
Extra evening Masses in Holy Week 7pm
Following the popularity of the evening Mass on Ash Wednesday we are putting on extra evening masses in Holy Week (in addition to the morning and lunchtime Masses on these days):
- Monday 3rd April 7pm (and 8am)
- Tuesday 4th April 7pm (and 8am)
- Wednesday 5th April 7pm (and 12.30pm)
For all times during Holy Week see here.
Good problems to have!
For some people coming to church on Sunday and leaving is what they need – and that’s completely fine. Our numbers now allow for anonymity and if you do not want to be noticed you don’t have to.
However, with more people attending various things are getting more difficult and help is needed! The good thing about all of these is that doing stuff together is the most easy thing of getting to know people – it is far less awkward than sitting together and having to make small talk.
Therefore – could you think about whether any of the things below would appeal to you?
Church Cleaning Saturday 3rd March, 9.15-11.15am
We meet twice a month to look after the building and this is particularly necessary due to all the dust coming from the building works going on in the Parish Room. We always break up for coffee, tea and cake and there are all sorts of different tasks to all likes and abilities. Children are also welcome (and they do need to be supervised by their parents)! The next date after will be 18th March.
Gardening Saturday 3rd March, morning time
Our land around the church and the Peace Garden can look absolutely delightful and it’s a huge bonus on warmer days to be able to sit outside on Sundays and other days. After the winter months some work is needed to make it beautiful again. We will make a start on Saturday morning (3rd March) but if somebody would like to do something at any suitable time for them it is perfectly possible to adopt a patch and look after it – there is plenty of those free for taking! Please talk to me or to Tony.
Car Park
Financially we totally rely on the income of the car park and it is vital that we manage it well. On Football and Rugby match days we rent spaces to those going to the matches from two hours before the match (so if the kickoff is 3pm you need to be there from 1pm) and usually we finish half an hour before the kickoff. Can you help with match day parking? This is not difficult – you just collect money from people coming to park and you will never be on your own – Eliam is managing this. Please have a look at the dates and gaps below and see whether you can help.
Hospitality & Welcoming – URGENT HELP NEEDED
So far we have had 4 teams for hospitality and welcoming people to church on a Sunday and Feast Days. This is becoming arduous as we are growing in numbers and the two roles need splitting: welcoming or hospitality. Every Sunday we need 3 people in the kitchen and 2 people to welcome people. Could you do either of those once a month? If you cannot promise a regular Sunday a month due to work commitments could you help on an adhoc basis? For either role you need to come early to church – you need to be here by 10 (and there is now a nice group having a tea/coffee from about 9.30am in the morning).
Full training and induction given – it is perfectly ok to try this once or twice and see whether you enjoy doing this. Welcoming is suitable for (supervised) children from the age of 10 – for the hospitality role you need to be 16 or above.
Please speak to me if you would like to give any of those a try!
If none of those ways of getting involved appeal to you – please have a word with me. There is a lot to do and I am sure something can be found which suits you!
Fr Johannes