Over the last few weeks lots of things happened around St Andrew’s Church – one advantage of the closure of the church and the lockdown we are all under is that there is time and space to care for our building and make it even more welcoming, helpful to worship and awe-inspiring.
You may have seen the pictures of the restored wooden floor two weeks ago, but smaller things happened as well – things have been cleaned, de-cluttered and some bits tentatively rearranged, and a longer and wider conversation is needed about a coherent vision for the aesthetics of the building and what we want to develop when this pandemic is over and a “new normal” sets in.
There are many beautiful items in St Andrew’s which could do with some tender-loving care. Fancy doing some brass polishing? It does go well with Netflix – and I can provide you with materials like acetone and polish and I can deliver a smaller or bigger item… Send me a message if this is something you would enjoy doing.
I add some before and after pictures – it does make a difference if things shine and sparkle and I find that God becomes tangible and reveals himself in beauty.

1 We love the place, O God,
wherein thine honour dwells;
the joy of thine abode
all earthly joy excels.
2 We love the house of prayer,
wherein thy servants meet;
and thou, O Lord, art there
thy chosen flock to greet.
3 We love the sacred font;
for there the holy Dove
to pour is ever wont
his blessing from above.
4 We love thine altar, Lord;
O what on earth so dear?
for there, in faith adored,
we find thy presence near.
5 We love the word of life,
the word that tells of peace,
of comfort in the strife,
and joys that never cease.
6 We love to sing below
for mercies freely given;
but O we long to know
the triumph-song of heaven.
7 Lord Jesus, give us grace
on earth to love thee more,
in heaven to see thy face,
and with thy saints adore.
NEH471, William Bullock, 1854