The Peace Garden at the back of the Parish Hall is taking shape. Tony has been creating a lot of energy, organised a sizeable group of people and the transformation of a somewhat unloved space is rather staggering.

If the easing of lockdown restriction proceeds according to plan we will be allowed to gather in larger groups outside from 17th May. On Sunday 23rd May we would like to celebrate together that life is slowly returning to something more normal with a little Garden Party after Mass. Would you be able to join and bring something like a cake, biscuits or some juice? Please have a word with Wendy Commons who is coordinating hospitality.
The last months have affected everyone and Leicester has been under lockdown for longer than any other place in the UK. We do not want to forget those who suffered the most in the past months, particularly as we are situated directly next to the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Hence we would like to dedicate the Peace Garden in memory of those who have died during the Covid-19 Pandemic on this occasion. The Head of Chaplaincy and Bereavement Services at the LRI, the Revd Mark Burleigh and the Lord Mayor of Leicester, Councillor Deepak Bajaj are joining us for the occasion.
I am aware that dedicating the Peace Garden in memory of those who have died adds a rather somber note to our celebration of slowly coming out of lockdown, but both in terms of our location in the City and of our faith in the death and resurrection of Our Lord this feels entirely appropriate. We live in hope because Christ is our hope.
Alleluia, Christ is risen. May the departed through the love and mercy of God rest in peace and rise in glory.
Fr Johannes