Harvest Festival
It has been two years last Tuesday since I have started in the best parish in the Midlands and it sort of coincided with our Harvest Festival last Sunday – which was a wild success. The church was full, the hall was bursting at its seams and altogether about 50 people helped and contributed in some way or another with cake, decorating, cooking, setting up, washing up and generally helping out. I am most grateful to all of you helped making this such a super occasion!
A special mention to Laura who took on the overall organisation this year and to Dinta who made the wonderful dhal – which proved very popular indeed. The church looked beautiful (thank you Lucy for the flowers and thank you Lizzie and the amazing cleaning team!).
It felt like everybody had a lovely time and I am very grateful for the huge amount of donations going to Leicester City of Sanctuary as part of our celebrations.

Future Events
All Souls Day, Wednesday 2nd November, 7pm
This year the Cathedral Choir is coming to St Andrew’s on All Souls Day to perform the Durufle Requiem – which is a wonderful piece and very much worth listening to. It will be sung during our Requiem Mass on the evening and will set the reflective tone as we remember those who have died and pray for the repose of their souls.

Evensong and Benediction, Sunday 6th November and 4th December, 7pm
As mentioned previously I would like to try out a new, short and meditative service once a month on a Sunday evening (followed by a drink in the pub). We have done Exposition and Benediction many times before, but not regularly. This is a service of Evening Prayer followed by some time of silent prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and find out!

Mark the date: Friday, 31st March, 7pm:
Ken Leech Memorial Lecture given by Archbishop Rowan Williams
I am delighted that Dr Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, is coming to St Andrew’s next year. This is going to be a most wonderful occasion which is going to include some form of hospitality and the opportunity to gather and talk informally afterwards.

Restoration Work
South Gate & Railings
Thanks to the amazing Probation Service our railings outside the church are all repainted. This means that the whole place looks much better and cared for and I am delighted that some good relations have been built by offering proper hospitality to those who have been doing the work.
Ben and Tony used their artistic talent by adding crosses to the South Gate. As always, many small changes make an enormous difference!

Lady Chapel
Progress! After discovering that the underlay had been glued to the wooden floor we have done our best to remove it (which was a horrible job!). A huge thanks to Richard, Patrick, Gill and Ben for working extremely hard for several days!!
It was exciting to find the old pre-1920s boiler room in the corner of the chapel, but instead of gold and treasure the presumed Aladdin’s Cave contained nothing but dirt. The good news is that it’s dry dirt and there is no problem with water there.
Dean is working on the floor today progress and that should mean that I can start painting on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning this week (fancy giving me a hand??). The chapel should be finished and looking fabulous in about 10 days time.