Look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting (John 4.35) Harvest Festival It has been two years last Tuesday since I have started in the…
Celebrate in the Joy of the Lord! I was nervous when we finally started to rip the church apart on Thursday, 12th…
Parish Feast – Growing Together Below a few pictures from our Parish Feast today. It was great to worship together…
Parish Feast: 2nd Sunday of Advent, 5 December Growing closer together with the Filipino Chaplaincy This is a reminder that all are invited…
Advent & Christmas in St Andrew’s A number of things are happening in the next few weeks – please make a…
Mass of Requiem for All Souls, Sunday 7 November, 10.30am With movements from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem in D-minor Sung by St Andrew’s Vocal Ensemble The…
Blessing and Dedication of Peace Garden on Pentecost Sunday Finally we were able to have a party! It was lovely the welcome the Lord…
Filipino Chaplaincy provides Filipino food for NHS and care workers Leicester’s Filipino Chaplaincy, Bayanihan Leicestershire and Kanlungan Filipino Consortium are taking part in Everyday Action…