With movements from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem in D-minor
Sung by St Andrew’s Vocal Ensemble
The past 18 months of the Covid Pandemic have cost many lives and made all of us more aware of how fragile our own health and life is. Many have lost loved ones and countless people experienced high levels of anxiety and fear and other signs of deteriorating mental health.
All Souls falls on the 2nd of November, but we want to give this more prominence this year by moving it to the nearest Sunday. On Sunday 7 November we will remember and pray for those who have died, especially in the past 18 months.

The Mass setting this day will be the beautiful Requiem by Gabriel Fauré, sung by professional singers – the newly formed St Andrew’s Vocal Ensemble led by Nicky Bouckley. Nicky is Director of Music at Loughborough Schools Foundation and a professional singer and conductor. Enhancing our worship with professionally performed music is something we can hopefully extend over the coming months and years.

The liturgy and the music should help all of us to to pay attention to our own feelings around the past months, whatever these may be. This service is designed to give space to be quiet, to pray and to be drawn to God through the beauty of liturgy and music. Fauré composed his Requiem Mass in D-minor between 1887 and 1890 and it is probably the best-loved musical setting of parts of the Mass for the Dead.